Wednesday, April 11, 2007

On the Move

Well my "little" girl just isn't so little anymore!!! She is definitely exploring the new found independence that accompanies crawling. She is into everything and we just can't keep her off the floor. (for those of you who visited over Easter, you were able to experience first hand exactly what I mean.) If we pick her up to cuddle her she's fine..... for a minute, then the squirming begins and she just isn't content until she's off and running again.

Albeit, she may not venture far from us, she just wants to be down. It seems her new favorite pastime is exploring the jungle gym that is mom. I'll be standing at the sink doing dishes or cooking supper or sitting in a chair at the table and she just pulls up and hangs on for dear life. As I move, she just leans, something kind of like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz if you can picture that. Her feet remain stationary as her body just leans from one side to the other. It's pretty humorous but also a little cumbersome when I'm trying to get something done.

However, I'm not complaining, after months of trying to foster a little independence in the angel, she's finally found it on her own and is definitely a MUCH happier baby!!!! This is an answer to prayer.

Stay tuned - we have a feeling she'll be cruising along on her tootsies before too long.


TWH said...

Good descriptor of the stationary feet. Learning to move your feet is quite an amazing thing to learn. I still haven't quite mastered it, as illustrated by my difficulty with dancing and playing defense in basketball.

Anonymous said...

theBeast, just now at 19 months is finally starting to gain some independence from me. She's wanting daddy more and more. Which is nice, but startling at the same time, since I'm not used to it!

Oh, isn't is so exciting waiting for their first steps??!

Adam said...

pictures need pictures

TWH said...

is that girl walking yet?