Sunday, February 11, 2007

A one pull-up day.....

Well, parents of all toddlers eventually experience "potty-training", we are currently in the midst of this experience. Xander has been going potty on the potty chair off and on for quite some time. This week I decided I would start trying to put him in pull-ups again just to see what would happen. We started Wednesday and sent him to daycare in a pull up. I reminded Jon to be sure to let the baby-sitter know what we were trying to do so that she could enforce it.

Well, when Xander arrived at daycare Jon said let's try to go potty before I go. (the babysitter has worked with him on and off while training another little boy - Xander would NOT go on the potty and always asked for his daddy to take him. It was quick thinking on Jon's part to get him to go and get a little more comfortable with the situation while he was still there.) Well, he went for Jon and continued to go all day long and was sent home in the SAME pull up that he wore that morning!!!! We were so proud. We continued the same cycle that evening and made it to bed with no wet pants all day long!!!!! He proved he could do it again on Thursday and we are all so excited.

Needless to say all good things must come to an end. Friday he did pretty well but amid some distractions - we had some company over - he did go in his pull up that night. Saturday was a little rough because we weren't home to really try to keep him on a schedule. We tried as best we could but he doesn't particularly care for public restrooms (who does!!!). That is going to pose a bit of a challenge.

All the same we are very proud of our "almost big boy" and will continue as best we can with the potty-training.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Go Xander! At some point kids become fascinated with going in every available public restroom. We knew every bathroom in every store in Streator, open to the public or not.